It’s the annual stats mound of news, notes, facts, data and more as co-host Jason Bryant talks about his annual mega-collection of stats for the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships. With over 250 pages, “The Guide,” as it’s become known, hits every pertinent stat and figure for the upcoming NCAA championships and also puts together history that’s available no place else. 

Order the Mat Talk Online D1 Preview Guide at and use discount code matstats to save $10. 

About Mat Stats

Welcome to the NWCA’s latest venture to help our favorite sport. Glenn Gormley, Jason Bryant and Kevin Hazard outline their effort to bring statistical analysis to wrestling. Mat Stats is the NWCA’s attempt to bring wrestling up to speed with so many other sports by incorporating stats. It is the same sport, the wrestlers are just older and better.

Mat Stats by the NWCA is a monthly podcast by the National Wrestling Coaches Association

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